Fiqhu al-Jihad by Yusuf Qardawi & Syamail Muhammadiah by Imam Tirmizi Hafizahullahu alaihim.

al-Muwatta' by Imam Malik Ibn Anas radhiaAllahuanhu.

Fiqhul Jihad Juzu' awal, the Second Juz i dont take the picture. This book odered by Ust Hishamuddin bin Abdul Karim from Kemaman Terengganu. Insyaallah, delivered by this February 8th 2010.

Waiting for the taxi..

The chair are used to sit not to look..

Keletihan mengheret berkotak2 kitab, teksi dan kerusi same je, dua2 takde.. Sebab kerusi ada dalam teksi, bila teksi takde, kerusi pun takde, tapi tak kalau kerusi ada tak semestinya teksi ada.. dan bila teksi ada yang ada pun ada yang takde pun takde la.. ada faham? fuh.. sejam lebih menunggu.. huhu..

Keep moving.. We can't stop at the begining as a tolibul ilmi to reach the top of the ma'rifat..
InsyaAllah, i will upload the rest of the pictures..
InsyaAllah, i will upload the rest of the pictures..
beli la unta sekor.......angkAt kitab........huhuhu........byk borong kitab.........bagus2......
mushi kerok
February 6, 2010 at 6:32 PM